The FILO association
The website of the FILO (French Innovative Leukemia Organization), a medical association ruled by the French law of 1901, is under the editorial responsibility of Dr. Stéphane LEPRETRE from the Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC) Henri Becquerel in Rouen.
Editorial design, database input and updating as well as technical maintenance are provided by Sandrine VAUDAUX from CLCC Henri Becquerel in Rouen and by the Human To Computer company.
The website is hosted by OVH.
Nominative information provided by FILO-Leukemia Intergroup complies with the provisions of the decree of October 9, 2002 relative to websites. Rights of access, rectification and opposition covered for by Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relative to informatics, files and freedom must be addressed to the secretariat of the FILO (Professor Véronique Leblond – Groupe Hospitalier Pitié Salpêtrière - Clinical Hematology Department - 75013 Paris).
Reproduction and re-use of data
Pursuant to amended Decree 2002-1064 of 7 August 2002, the purpose of FILO website is to provide Internet users with information about activities of the FILO-Leukemia Intergroup as well as medical information. This information sharing does not exclude certain constraints relative to the extraction and reuse of data available on the website.
Providing a link to the FILO website is not considered to be an extraction, and can be carried out without authorization by any public or private website.
In accordance with WAI's recommendations, particularly for the visually impaired, and according to the good practices on the Internet, it is forbidden to place all or part of the FILO website in a frameset (encapsulation) or to use any other technique likely to conceal the original address and legal notices of the FILO website.
It is forbidden to reproduce, represent, transfer, distribute or record all or part of the texts of the FIOL website, in any form whatsoever, without mentioning "website of the FILO-Leukemia Intergroup" as source, in the presentation of content and in the original size of the source.
Site design and hosting
Website creation: Human To Computer
Address: 24, boulevard de la Marne - 76000 Rouen
Phone: 02 35 14 01 01
Host: OVH
Address: 2, rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix
Phone: 09 72 10 47 46